Welcome to the BDS-US Online Claims Application

Please note that due to essential maintenance work, the Online Claims system will be unavailable from approximately 0800 to 0900, on Friday 28th March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Thank you

This application is strictly for the use by Ministry of Defence personnel. WARNING: It is a serious offence to make or conspire in making a false statement on this request or withold any information relevant to this request.

Such an offence could lead to disciplinary action or criminal prosecution, either of which could lead to dismissal. CPC is still operating the COVID claims process and can continue to receive claims via email submission.
Please follow the guidance found on the Online Claims or BDSUS.Info pages.



- Complete the necessary form (found on the BDSUS.Info Page: (www.bdsus.info.), ensuring that it is electronically or manually signed.
- Scan (or provide a high-quality photograph) of all supporting documents (invoices, receipts, cheques, JPA statement, etc.) – NOTE: Cheques will also still need to be physically posted to CPC
- Provide proof of budget holder approval (if already given)
- Submit directly to the relevant department via email with the above documentation attached:

o Education and Healthcare - BDSUS-SG-HealthEd-Mailbox@mod.gov.uk
o Accommodation - BDSUS-SG-Accn-Mailbox@mod.gov.uk
o Pay & Advances – BDSUS-SG-Pers-Team-Mailbox@mod.gov.uk
o All other miscellaneous payments – Form 922 & 1199’s – BDSUS-Finance-CPCClaims@mod.gov.uk>

Due to the volume of claims and a potential reduction of staff due to COVID-19, please do not chase your claims for payments unless there is financial hardship due to the outstanding claim,
or a significant risk of missing a payment date. Routine claims submitted via the online claims tool (e.g. utilities) should continue to be made on line in the usual way.

If you have forgotten your password and need a reset please email: BDSUS-Finance-OracleAdmin@mod.gov.uk for assistance. Please include your Service/Staff Number with your request.
This email is only monitored Mon-Fri.Thank you!


Contact Online Claims Support if you need further assistance.